The Carolina Strut Performing Arts Centre’
Communication with instructors cannot be accepted during class time. Classes are scheduled back-to-back, leaving limited time between classes for questions or comments. Please address all inquiries to [email protected] or (252) 726-0431. Please allow 48 hours for a response.
Communication with parents will be sent periodically throughout the season which will include important updates, exciting opportunities, and much more. Please read all emails and handouts thoroughly and be sure to take action if it is required. Important information will also be available and regularly updated on the website and Facebook.
Tuition will be due on the 1st of every month with a $20 late fee added after the 10th. Tuition will not be prorated but will remain the same amount each month regardless of holiday closings, weather cancellations, number of weeks/classes per month, absences, etc. except for June and August as we will not hold dance the entire month. Registration fees are added to the account following online registration, $35 for returning students, $45 for new students, and $55 for family registration. Autopay can be set up in person at the studio. Payments can be made online or at the studio during stated business hours. A payment/correspondence dropbox is located in the lobby for your convenience. Autopay transactions for tuition will be completed at the end of the business day on the 1st of each month. All other fees parents will receive written notice for amounts and due dates. Accounts must be up to date for dancers to attend class and participate in all performances. Thirty-day written notice is required to drop classes to end tuition payments.
Returned Checks will be resubmitted for payment one time and a fee of $25 will be added to your account. This fee plus the amount of the check will be due within 5 days of The Carolina Strut notifying you of the problem.
Costume deposits of $25 per costume are due at the end of October and are not refundable. The remaining balance will be due December 16th. Costume deposit(s) not paid within 10 days of the due date will be assessed a $20 late fee. Costume balance(s) not paid within 10 days of the due date will result in costume(s) not being ordered until payment is made resulting in extra shipping costs or possible unavailability of costume. Payment of the October costume deposit indicates an agreement to purchase and pay the balance of all costumes regardless of continued enrollment. Some classes do not require costumes as they are technique-based and do not perform a piece of choreography.
Inclement Weather includes tornadoes, thunderstorms, ice storms, snow, and hurricanes. In most cases, the studio will be closed when the schools are closed. At the same time, if the schools are open and weather conditions worsen during the day, we might need to cancel classes in the afternoon. We will make up the classes missed due to the weather. Our inclement weather policy is based on whatever is best for our students and their parents. If we decide to close the decision will be made no later than 1 pm. An email will be sent to parents along with posts to our social media.
Attendance is absolutely necessary in order to guarantee success for your dancer and the class as a whole. We realize that sickness, family vacations, and emergencies arise. It is detrimental to the class when dancers are absent frequently…so please use your best judgment and aspire to achieve perfect attendance for the season! Excessive absences may prevent the dancer from being able to participate in scheduled recitals, performances, or competitions at the owner/instructor’s discretion without refund of fees. Of course, there are exceptions. We will not hold dancers accountable for COVID-based absences.
On Time to classes, performances, and events are very important! Tardiness disrupts classes and takes away important instruction time away from the student. Preparation for performances and events is also very carefully planned out and disrupts the flow if a student is tardy. Please make all efforts to arrive early or on time. Tardiness to any of the above circumstances will result in: 1st time, excused; 2nd time, warning; and, 3rd time, removal from class or event.
Student Conduct
Acceptable behavior, respect, good sportsmanship, and a positive attitude are a MUST. Although we encourage a healthy combination of learning and fun, we expect and require our dancers to be on their best behavior inside and outside of the classroom. Students who are majorly disruptive or have to be disciplined multiple times will be asked to leave the class, this protects other students' instructional time. Periodic report cards may be given to parents whose student needs improvement with behavior in classes.
Parent Conduct
Unfavorable/unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated in the studio, at performances, or at events!! We prioritize a positive and respectful environment for everyone involved. If you have any concerns, please address them directly with the owner/director, Leah Kell. She is always available for a conversation and committed to resolving any issues. Please NOTE: There will be a one-time warning for any incidents of inappropriate behavior. If the behavior continues, it’ll be addressed appropriately, including possible dismissal from the studio.
Even though our staff is persistent in teaching the correct technique, accidents do happen. If your child should be so unfortunate to have an injury while in class, we will take the appropriate action. Parents will be contacted immediately.
Contact Information
We use the information on file to notify you about important issues and in cases of emergency. Please keep your contact information up to date at all times by submitting changes to the front desk. This includes telephone numbers, mailing addresses, and email addresses as well as we do send out emails from time to time.
Communication with parents will be sent periodically throughout the season which will include important updates, exciting opportunities, and much more. Please read all emails and handouts thoroughly and be sure to take action if it is required. Important information will also be available and regularly updated on the website and Facebook.
Tuition will be due on the 1st of every month with a $20 late fee added after the 10th. Tuition will not be prorated but will remain the same amount each month regardless of holiday closings, weather cancellations, number of weeks/classes per month, absences, etc. except for June and August as we will not hold dance the entire month. Registration fees are added to the account following online registration, $35 for returning students, $45 for new students, and $55 for family registration. Autopay can be set up in person at the studio. Payments can be made online or at the studio during stated business hours. A payment/correspondence dropbox is located in the lobby for your convenience. Autopay transactions for tuition will be completed at the end of the business day on the 1st of each month. All other fees parents will receive written notice for amounts and due dates. Accounts must be up to date for dancers to attend class and participate in all performances. Thirty-day written notice is required to drop classes to end tuition payments.
Returned Checks will be resubmitted for payment one time and a fee of $25 will be added to your account. This fee plus the amount of the check will be due within 5 days of The Carolina Strut notifying you of the problem.
Costume deposits of $25 per costume are due at the end of October and are not refundable. The remaining balance will be due December 16th. Costume deposit(s) not paid within 10 days of the due date will be assessed a $20 late fee. Costume balance(s) not paid within 10 days of the due date will result in costume(s) not being ordered until payment is made resulting in extra shipping costs or possible unavailability of costume. Payment of the October costume deposit indicates an agreement to purchase and pay the balance of all costumes regardless of continued enrollment. Some classes do not require costumes as they are technique-based and do not perform a piece of choreography.
Inclement Weather includes tornadoes, thunderstorms, ice storms, snow, and hurricanes. In most cases, the studio will be closed when the schools are closed. At the same time, if the schools are open and weather conditions worsen during the day, we might need to cancel classes in the afternoon. We will make up the classes missed due to the weather. Our inclement weather policy is based on whatever is best for our students and their parents. If we decide to close the decision will be made no later than 1 pm. An email will be sent to parents along with posts to our social media.
Attendance is absolutely necessary in order to guarantee success for your dancer and the class as a whole. We realize that sickness, family vacations, and emergencies arise. It is detrimental to the class when dancers are absent frequently…so please use your best judgment and aspire to achieve perfect attendance for the season! Excessive absences may prevent the dancer from being able to participate in scheduled recitals, performances, or competitions at the owner/instructor’s discretion without refund of fees. Of course, there are exceptions. We will not hold dancers accountable for COVID-based absences.
On Time to classes, performances, and events are very important! Tardiness disrupts classes and takes away important instruction time away from the student. Preparation for performances and events is also very carefully planned out and disrupts the flow if a student is tardy. Please make all efforts to arrive early or on time. Tardiness to any of the above circumstances will result in: 1st time, excused; 2nd time, warning; and, 3rd time, removal from class or event.
Student Conduct
Acceptable behavior, respect, good sportsmanship, and a positive attitude are a MUST. Although we encourage a healthy combination of learning and fun, we expect and require our dancers to be on their best behavior inside and outside of the classroom. Students who are majorly disruptive or have to be disciplined multiple times will be asked to leave the class, this protects other students' instructional time. Periodic report cards may be given to parents whose student needs improvement with behavior in classes.
Parent Conduct
Unfavorable/unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated in the studio, at performances, or at events!! We prioritize a positive and respectful environment for everyone involved. If you have any concerns, please address them directly with the owner/director, Leah Kell. She is always available for a conversation and committed to resolving any issues. Please NOTE: There will be a one-time warning for any incidents of inappropriate behavior. If the behavior continues, it’ll be addressed appropriately, including possible dismissal from the studio.
Even though our staff is persistent in teaching the correct technique, accidents do happen. If your child should be so unfortunate to have an injury while in class, we will take the appropriate action. Parents will be contacted immediately.
Contact Information
We use the information on file to notify you about important issues and in cases of emergency. Please keep your contact information up to date at all times by submitting changes to the front desk. This includes telephone numbers, mailing addresses, and email addresses as well as we do send out emails from time to time.